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Helpful tips for Success

Here are some tips that you can do at home to best support your child:    

  1. Frequently check your child's grades, completed and/or missing assignments and attendance in the Infinite Campus Portal (Campus Parent/Campus Student) by following the step by step instructions
  2. Check your child’s google classroom for up to date assigned work (FYI - parents do not have access to google classroom).
  3. Reach out to teachers to request support during office hours. 
  4. Know how your child is organizing themselves by checking their backpack, binder & google classrooms.
  5. Have your child log in to google classroom and review the assigned and missing tabs in the "to do" section.  
  6. Establish a routine and space at home for learning.  
  7. If your child is struggling with organizational skills or needs counseling, reach out to their school counselor.
  8. Assist your child with time management skills.
  9. Help your student practice active learning when studying (highlighting, using post-its, mark key passages, making study cards, mapping and diagramming concepts).
  10. Homework center is available after school M-TH 2:30-3:30pm. Students will need to meet in the library. Please pick up an application from the main office.
  11. Sign up for free tutoring at *SJPL (San Jose Public Library) is in person. Sign up at